

KYN28-12 switch cabinet

Kyn28-12 armoured moving type metal closed switchgear complies with standard GB3906 and GB/T1 1022, IEC60298 and t404 and other requirements, applicable to 3.6kV three-phase AC 50Hz single bus power system. As the acceptance and distribution of electric energy and the circuit implementation of control, monitoring and protection, to use. This product is for indoor use.

Success Case +

Northeastern University Campus Center Hunnan switching station 1#, 2# Liaoning Telecom Data Center Project Second water plant substation renovation project Choi Road Building Kaiyuan Hondar Thermal Power Co. Ltd. 5# Boiler Engineering Royal Beijing Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. Royal Art Center Distribution Room 10KV International Integrated Logistics Hong Kong Property Co., Ltd. new project 10KV Ma total village a new project of power substation Deep international Shenyang modern city integrated logistics park B block project Northwest Wang Town Industrial Park, industrial park, industrial park, 4-1, commercial and T04 underground garage Beijing Rail Transit Construction Management Co., Ltd. Siping heat limited electricity engineering (Siping thermal heat plant high voltage substation part) Shenyang long ground property Co., Ltd. 10KV into the line and substation project .........

Product description

Kyn28-12 armoured moving type metal closed switchgear complies with standard GB3906 and GB/T1 1022, IEC60298 and t404 and other requirements, applicable to 3.6kV three-phase AC 50Hz single bus power system. As the acceptance and distribution of electric energy and the circuit implementation of control, monitoring and protection, to use. This product is for indoor use.

technical parameter

project Company technical parameter
Rated voltage KV 12
Rated current A 630、1250、1600、2000、2500、3150
Rated frequency HZ 50
Rated short-time withstand current (4S) KA 20  25  31.5  40
Rated peak withstand current KA 50  63  80  100
Rated short circuit breaking current KA 20  25  31.5  40
Rated short-circuit current KA 50  63  80  100

ADD: 988 Shenying Street, Hunnan District, Shenyang City

TEL: 400-88-96321 024-83752632 / 23676442


Liao ICP No. 11439371-1 Chinese Name: speeding China.

Shenyang Construction Site:seqill.cn
